7 “Knock Out” Career Lessons Our Moms Never Taught Us!

As more women leaders step up in the business world, it’s clear that we possess certain qualities that are not only effective but critical to our success in our careers but sometimes, when we are trapped in a male dominated world, our femininity gets lost or put on the back burner as we struggle to find our unique voice.

Read on for 7 tips on how to hold on to your unique qualities while still getting ahead in your careers!

  1. DON’T think you need to behave like a man.

    Many women (especially when they advance in their careers) fall into the trap of thinking they need to act like a man in order to succeed. But that is not the case. Successful women leaders determine their own leadership style and let the qualities that make them special like our emotional intelligence, our intuition and our ability to multi task, differentiate us from our male counterparts.

  2. DON’T disguise statements as questions!

    A big mistake that women make is they phrase a statement in the form of question thinking they will be seen as less demanding or aggressive but the reality is, it makes them appear weaker. A strong leader makes strong statements of fact and opinion and only asks questions when needed. They gather their information to make informed decisions and statements but remains in control.

  3. DON’T worry about what others think of you.

    To be effective you must get in the habit of not always worrying about what other people are thinking of you. If you are locked into a dispute with a supplier, don’t take it personally. If you have to bring up a difficult topic such as an employee’s poor performance, be firm and clear about what you want from them and point out how their actions are having a negative effect. When you are finished, allow them the opportunity to have their say. There’s a way to be assertive, not hard-nosed, in a way that maintains your role as the leader.

  4. DON’T undervalue your time.

    Remember one thing…time is money and the most valuable asset you own is how you spend your time! Don’t shortchange yourself by giving your time away for free, or wasting time on tedious tasks that don’t generate money or revenue. Start evaluating how you spend your time from emails, reports, to research and client focused activities and decided if the tasks you are performing are the best use of your time and moving you closer to that corner office.

  5. DON’T let emotions run wild.

    Women by nature are emotional creatures but don’t let negative emotions get the better of you. Control your emotions especially when making tough decisions. Don’t let fear or insecurity drive your decisions. When in doubt, lay out the facts and make a level headed decision but don’t discount your “gut”. Women are also very intuitive creatures and when logic and intuition are mixed together, you have a powerful success formula.

  6. DON’T be afraid of self-promotion.

    Sometimes it is important to toot your own horn. Creating a personal brand is just as important as doing your job well. Don’t be shy about touting your accomplishments and contributions in a positive way. It is all about creating a positive impression in the minds of your customer, your peers and your bosses. There are many things you can do to gain visibility within your company and one simple way is to strut your stuff!

  7. DO plan to WIN!

    Are you worried about the recent industry changes? The onset of mergers and acquisitions and the possibility your business will go under and you will lose your job? In the coaching space, we call that planning to fail versus planning to WIN. Don’t waste energy devising Plan B if things take a downturn. Ensure that you have the drive and tenacity to pursue your dreams. If you take the attitude of failure not being an option, you’ll be surprised how much you’ll achieve. You will be surprised how many opportunities make themselves available simply by changing the way you think!