Your Ready to Move On From Your Job, Now What? 5 Steps For a Smooth Transition

As a career warrior, knowing what you want out of your career is essential to your professional success. We have all experienced that point in our careers where we just know it is time to move on. Perhaps we no longer enjoy what we are doing, or advancement opportunities come to a halt or the […]

Tips for Mastering Time Management

A common mistake business owners make is not managing their use of time effectively. Entrepreneurs fall into the superhero syndrome very quickly and think that have enormous super powers to do everything themselves. They slowly begin to focus on tasks just because they need to get done or perhaps it is just easier to do […]

Ten Characteristics of an Engaged Team

You can spot an engaged team from a mile away. They typically look angles descended down from the heavens with the light they seem to have around them. A member of an engaged team is positive, energetic and creates positive energy in their wake. They have the ability to move mountains and create change, they […]

Giving a Negative Performance Review

As managers providing feedback to our staff is a necessary evil and sometimes we have to give a bad performance review. Delivering criticism requires a delicate touch and has to be presented to the employee in a way that they understand your observations and are motivated to change their behaviors. Here are some tips to […]

Secrets for Hiring Exceptional Employees

Hiring well is more important than ever. A poor hire not only underperforms in his or her job, but can poison the entire organization. In today’s sluggish economy, job seekers in many industries are competing for scarce positions, yet entrepreneurs report that finding top talent is still a big challenge. Who are the right people […]

Why Top Talent Leaves: Top 10 Reasons Boiled Down to 1

Eric Jackson wrote an interesting article about why top talent leaves an organization. A topic that many senior leaders find very interested, What studies have shown over and over is that talent leaves simply because they are not managed correctly and the organization is confusing and uninspiring. If you want to keep your best talent, […]